Cooking with Atlantic Salmon (1)

Is Live Ocean Atlantic Salmon Kosher?

Several of Live Ocean’s Atlantic salmon meals and products are Kosher, however, not all salmon is Kosher. Look for the Parve symbol on the label.

Salmon and Health (1)

Is Atlantic Salmon as Good for You as Fresh?

Both fresh and frozen Atlantic salmon have health benefits due to their high concentration of Omega-3 fatty acids. Buying frozen Atlantic salmon is less expensive than buying fresh and provides a versatile ingredient for salads, sandwiches, and pasta dishes.

General Salmon Questions (5)

Is There Salt in Atlantic Salmon?

The 3 ingredients in  Live Ocean premium Atlantic salmon fillets are: Atlantic salmon, water, and sea salt. Salt is added to preserve freshness and flavor so every bite tastes fresh-caught. Live Ocean salmon fillets contains sea salt to enhance the flavor, but we at Live Ocean are proud using minimal salt and work to keep sodium levels low. Our delicious salmon flavor stands on its own.

What are the Main Differences Between Farmed Coho Salmon and Atlantic Salmon?

Coho salmon has a lighter, milder flavor and firmer texture, while Atlantic salmon is richer and more buttery. Coho salmon is generally smaller in size than Atlantic salmon.

What are the Farming Differences Between Coho and Atlantic Salmon?

Both are farmed sustainably, but Coho salmon is often raised in low-density pens or land-based systems, while Atlantic salmon is more commonly farmed in larger-scale ocean-based systems.

Are There Nutritional Differences Between Coho and Atlantic Salmon?

Both are high in omega-3 fatty acids, but Atlantic salmon typically has slightly higher fat content, while Coho is leaner.

Farmed Salmon Questions (2)

How and Where is Live Ocean Salmon Farmed?

LiveOcean canned salmon is farmed in the southern coastal fjords of Chile. We use sustainable fish farming practices. By raising the salmon in open fjords, we are able to give the salmon more room to move around and a cleaner environment. Because of the six meter tidal movements within the fjords and the Humbolt currents from Antartica, Chilean raised salmon grow in the purest waters on earth. The salmon are fed a diet of fish components and oils in the form of pellets, from which they obtain their Omega-3s.

Frozen Salmon Questions (2)

How Should Frozen Salmon Be Stored?

Keep the frozen Atlantic salmon meals in their original packaging or an airtight container to prevent freezer burn.

How Long Can I Store Frozen Salmon Meals?

Frozen salmon meals and fillets, stored properly, can last up to 6 months in the freezer.  While they may still be safe to eat if continuously frozen, the quality, texture, and flavor might diminish over time.  Signs of spoilage are: Discoloration, an off smell, or freezer burn are indications that the meal is no longer suitable for consumption.

Coho Salmon Questions (2)

Are Farmed Coho Salmon Meals Sustainably Raised?

At Live Ocean Seafood, we pride ourselves on working with only salmon farms that are clean and use sustainable practices.  Farmed Coho salmon is often rated as a sustainable choice, but certification labels can provide additional assurance. Look for certifications like ASC (Aquaculture Stewardship Council) or BAP (Best Aquaculture Practices) labels on our products.

What makes Coho Salmon Farming Environmentally Friendly?

Live Ocean salmon farms are sustainable and monitor water quality, prevent habitat damage, and minimize waste discharge. Closed containment systems are often used to protect wild fish populations.