How Farmed Salmon Can Feed and Save The World
By admin November 5, 2018
Overfishing, pollution, and human overpopulation are just a few of the reasons that wild fish are becoming more scarce and expensive. Responsible, sustainable, and environmentally conscious farmed fish will be the answer to feeding future generations. Here at Live Ocean…
Saving Wild Salmon
By admin May 10, 2018
“Why should I buy farmed salmon?” It’s a question we get often and the answer is our “Why,” our core belief that sustainable aquaculture is the answer to saving wild salmon. By promoting sustainable ocean-based farming of Atlantic salmon and…
What Does “Color Added” Mean on a Label for Atlantic Salmon?
By admin February 5, 2013
What does “color added” mean on a label for farmed salmon and salmon products? Color added labels for farmed salmon do not mean that any dyes are added to feed or the salmon flesh when processed. When salmon are raised…